Nokia S60 Wireframing Stencils

March 16th, 2010

Here is a downloadable stencil straight from Nokia for wireframing within their S60 touch devices. The stencil includes workable source files for Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Fireworks CS4 loaded with useful components, portrait and canvas interface views. (Thanks Ivana!)

10 Responses to “Nokia S60 Wireframing Stencils”

  1. bighead Says:

    awsome! i just want to make some prototypes for s60 these days

  2. Michel Kui Says:

    great! Thanks, I was looking for a stencil like this.

  3. Roma Says:

    Stencil link is broken. Can someone please share the stencil back

  4. Noclegi Says:

    great nokia review i was wondering to buy nokia s60

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  6. Christian Audigier Says:

    great! Thanks, I was looking for a stencil like this.

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