Touch Gesture Reference Guide

May 27th, 2010

Another great gesture compilation brought to you by Luke Wroblewski and others. The researched document describes how touch gestures are supported on platforms such as: iPhone OS, Windows 7 Phone, Palm webOS, Android, OSX (trackpad), OSX (Magic Mouse), Microsoft Windows 7, Wacom Bamboo, GestureWorks (Flash) and Microsoft Surface. The compiled document also comes summarized as a downloadable PDF as well as more wireframe friendly formats (PDF, EPS, Omnigraffle).

The guide contains: 1) an overview of the core gestures used for most touch commands 2) how to utilize these gestures to support major user actions 3) visual representations of each gesture to use in design documentation and deliverables 4) an outline of how popular software platforms support core touch gestures.

Credits: Craig Villamor, Dan Willis, Luke Wroblewski, and Jennifer Rhim

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