
January 7th, 2010

Plumb is an open source tool (GitHub source) for drawing out placeholders on top of the Blueprint framework. You can simply draw out the boxes and it will automatically create the HTML for you. So what’s in it for me you ask? I noticed in the past that there is a community of HTML prototypers out there who like to do their interactive wireframes with grid systems in their most native form. With that, I thought this tool might be interesting to some. Enjoy.

Oh, and if you haven’t noticed already, I have a thing for open source software. Hence a separate opensource tag just appeared in the right navigation bar to separate out these types of projects. Cheers!

Credits: Michael Daines

3 Responses to “Plumb”

  1. Jon Adams Says:

    Excellent utility! I will be sure to use it as its hosted!

  2. Batiste Says:

    Hi, nice tool.

    I want to drag your attention on a similar tool I have started: